Implementacija ISMS-a prema ISO27001:2013
Implementation of management systems based on risk assessments, management and optimization of risks in the organisation. Throughout management structures and principles defined in ISO standards, which represents a KEY MANAGEMENT TOOL in the implementatio
Introducing a management system into a company is one of the key strategic decisions of any organization. Quality management is part of a comprehensive management system of the organization and its business. The introduction of international norms and standards in business, the life cycle of processes and products, risk assessments and documentation enable each organization to be more efficient, accurate and long-term management. Management of IT services in accordance with standards enables quality and standardized services, continuity and efficient management of risks and incidents.
The design and implementation of the business management system of each organization is influenced by:
a) the organization's environment, changes in that environment, and the risks associated with that environment
2 changing needs
3 process efficiency
4 reduction of operational inefficiencies and losses
c) individual goals
d) products
e) established processes
f) size and organisation
g) IT systems and services
h) security of systems and products
An integrated management system model based on a process approach. For implementation and application A methodology known as “Plan-Do-Check-Act” (PDCA) has been adopted in management systems.
About Igor
Igor Vujičić dipl.oec., vlasnik i direktor tvrtke Maigo Insights sa gotovo 15 godina iskustva u području revizije; internoj reviziji i reviziji informacijskih sustava. Profesionalni razvoj započeo je vodećoj međunarodnoj konzultantskoj tvrtki Deloitte, gdje je startao kao asistent u financijskoj reviziji, te nastavio kao konzultant i voditelj projekata u revizijama informacijskih sustava, upravljanja rizicima, optimizacijama poslovnih procesa i financijama sukladno međunarodnim standardima i okvirima.